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The fallacy of quantity over quality

Written by Marina Galceran | Jun 27, 2023 12:55:32 PM

In the fast-paced marketing world, there's a prevailing myth that more marketing efforts automatically lead to better results. Many marketing managers are caught in a never-ending cycle of producing increasing assets, hoping to achieve their desired goals.  

However, the truth is that quantity alone does not guarantee success. To truly maximize results, marketing managers need to focus on control and visibility over their marketing return on investment (ROI).  

This article will debunk the marketing myth and inspire marketing managers to adopt a more strategic and data-driven approach. 

"The more, the better”

It's common to hear phrases like "more leads, more sales" or "the more content we create, the better." While it may seem logical that increasing the quantity of marketing assets would yield greater results, this approach often overlooks the importance of quality and strategic targeting.   

Simply flooding the market with a stack of assets without considering their effectiveness and impact can lead to wasted resources and missed opportunities. 

The need for control and visibility

Instead of blindly producing more and more material, marketing managers should focus on gaining control and visibility over their marketing efforts. This means understanding which assets are being used, how they are utilized, and where they are deployed. By having a comprehensive view of the entire marketing ecosystem, managers can make informed decisions about resource allocation and optimize their strategies accordingly. 

At Pickit, we know how important it is to access analytics and actionable insights, making it easy for marketing managers to understand the content’s performance and quickly generate reports to prove marketing ROI. 


Measuring success and marketing ROI 

One of the key elements of gaining control and visibility is the ability to measure the success of marketing assets and their return on investment. Without proper measurement and analysis, it becomes challenging to determine which assets are effective and which ones are falling short.  

By implementing robust tracking and analytics systems, marketing managers can obtain accurate data on metrics such as customer engagement, conversion rates, and revenue generated. Armed with these insights, they can make data-driven decisions and allocate resources to the most effective channels and assets. 

Quality over quantity

While having a diverse range of marketing assets is essential, quality should always take precedence over quantity. It is better to have a few highly targeted and impactful assets that resonate with the target audience rather than an excessive number of generic and ineffective ones.   

By focusing on creating high-quality assets that align with the brand message and customer preferences, marketing managers can drive stronger engagement and achieve better results. 


Strategic digital asset management

Marketing managers need to implement a robust digital asset management system to ensure effective control and visibility. This system should allow for centralized storage, easy accessibility, and proper tracking of marketing assets. With a comprehensive asset management system in place, managers can monitor asset performance, track usage across various channels, and quickly identify opportunities for optimization and improvement. 

Pickit Analytics empowers marketing managers to prioritize content quality over quantity. The visual analytics dashboard for content provides companies with valuable insights into their marketing content, enabling them to: 

Evaluate internal content usage 

Users can identify the most frequently used content across different departments and regions by analyzing data on content views and downloads. 

Demonstrate marketing return on investment (ROI)

The "Most popular" feature quickly identifies the most valuable content and campaigns. It offers reporting capabilities that present easily understandable data to support decision-making. 

Identify ineffective content 

Measuring the popularity of assets stored in the portal enables teams to identify underutilized or neglected files. This provides clarity on which content pieces need optimization or removal. 

Gain insights into keyword usage 

By understanding the frequently used search terms across the company, users can determine the most accessed content and organize it accordingly. 

Key takeaways

In the dynamic marketing landscape, the fallacy of quantity over quality can harm achieving desired results.  

Marketing managers must move away from the mindset of blindly producing a high volume of assets and instead focus on control, visibility, and strategic decision-making. By measuring success, prioritizing quality over quantity, and implementing effective asset management systems, marketing managers can maximize their marketing ROI and drive meaningful results.  

Remember, doing more doesn't always translate to achieving more. It's time to break free from this myth and embrace a data-driven and targeted approach to marketing. 

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