Mastering Media Asset Management: Benefits, Best Practices, and Key Differences

Media Asset Management – also known as MAM – refers to the process of managing video and multimedia files throughout their lifecycle. This includes the acquisition, storage, organization, retrieval, distribution, and archiving of media assets. Think of Media Asset Management as having a super-organized, ultra-efficient librarian for your video and multimedia files. From the moment you hit 'record' to the day you archive that masterpiece, Media Asset Management's got your back.

What are the benefits of using Media Asset Management for your content library?

Alright, marketing people, let's talk perks! Why should you invite Media Asset Management into your digital domain?

  • Centralized storage: Media Asset Management systems provide a centralized repository for all media assets, making it easier to manage and access files from a single location.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Whether your team is in Timbuktu or Tokyo, Media Asset Management makes sharing and accessing media files a breeze.
  • Improved efficiency: Hunting for files? Nobody has time for that! Media Asset Management’s search and retrieval features are so slick that you’ll find what you need before you finish your coffee, saving time and reducing frustration.
  • Metadata management: Media Asset Management systems support extensive metadata tagging, which enhances the organization and searchability of media assets.
  • Version control: No more "Oops, wrong file!" moments. Media Asset Management keeps track of every version, so you're always working with the freshest content.
  • Security: Media Asset Management is the Fort Knox for your media assets. With access controls and audit trails, your files are safer than a squirrel with a nut.
  • Scalability: As your content library grows, a Media Asset Management system can scale to accommodate increasing volumes of media files without compromising performance.

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What is the difference between Media Asset Management and Digital Asset Management?

You might think Media Asset Management and Digital Asset Management are twins, but they’re more like cousins.

  • Media Asset Management: It’s all about video and multimedia content. If you’re into video editing, transcoding, or broadcasting, Media Asset Management is your main squeeze.
  • Digital Asset Management: This one’s the jack-of-all-trades for digital assets—images, docs, audio files, you name it. Perfect for marketing, branding, and corporate comms. Think of Digital Asset Management as the Swiss Army knife of content management.

Seeing how others use these tools can spark some brilliant ideas. Media Asset Management (MAM) is on the rise, and Pickit is making waves with a clientele ranging from scrappy startups to big-league enterprises. We arm teams with the tools they need to organize, protect, share, and flaunt their creative assets.


This Swedish outdoor gear pioneer, outfitting adventurers since 1914, has mastered marketing admin. They've paired Pickit's Brand module with Pickit Boards to sort content, control access, and keep things spick and span. Integrating Pickit with Dropbox means the team enjoys seamless workflows using tools they're already comfortable with—plus a centralized asset management system that makes their lives easier.

👉 Check Haglöfs happy story after switching to Pickit 👈

Haglofs testimonial

Core Health & Fitness

The global champ of commercial fitness equipment had a digital asset management disaster —a system that was practically an obstacle course. Pickit transformed Core Health & Fitness's asset management game from a struggle to a smooth operation by centralizing content, simplifying access, and providing key usage data.

"Pickit's structure and features will allow us to finally streamline our content workflow, eliminate the confusion around file locations, and gain valuable insights into what content resonates most with our customers"

James Young
Sales and Marketing Operations Manager at Core Health & Fitness


Best Practices for Organizing and Storing Media Assets

With an ever-growing volume of content, establishing best practices is essential to streamlining workflows, safeguarding valuable data, and ensuring seamless accessibility. Whether you're managing a small collection or a vast library, implementing a structured approach to media asset management can make all the difference.

  1. Do your homework: Not all Media Asset Management systems are created equal. Research and choose the Media Asset Management solution that best fits your needs. Consider factors like scalability, user interface, integration capabilities, and cost.
  2. Consistent metadata: Develop a tagging system as consistent as your morning coffee routine. Label keywords, descriptions, categories, and everything else!
  3. Structured folder organization: Create a folder structure so that logically, even a sleep-deprived intern can navigate it. Group files by project, date, type—whatever keeps you sane.
  4. Regular audits: Out with the old, in with the new. Regularly audit your media library to keep it lean, mean, and clutter-free.
  5. Backup and redundancy: Protect your assets like they're the last piece of chocolate. Backup and redundancy strategies are your insurance policy against data disasters.
  6. User permissions and access controls: Not everyone needs the keys to the kingdom. Set up user permissions and access controls to keep things secure.
  7. Training and documentation: Train your team like it’s a boot camp. Provide documentation that’s clear, concise, and maybe even a little funny.

According to a study conducted by MediaValet, a SaaS organization, employees dedicate approximately 8% of their workdays to locating files, ultimately leading to unproductive time and the unnecessary recreation of digital resources, ranging from 5% to 15% of the company's total assets, when they abandon the search. According to studies, employees spend a significant portion of their workweek searching for information, leading to decreased productivity and increased frustration.  Want to learn more about how to prevent this hidden cost? Read the following blog post here.

How to prevent the hidden cost of disorganized assets


How does Media Asset Management integrate with other systems?

When you're shopping for a Media Asset Management (MAM) solution, it's like finding the perfect teammate. You want one that plays well with the other tools in your tech stack and makes your workflow smoother. Seamless integration is key whether you're dealing with designers, developers, or other creative geniuses.

Take Pickit, for example. Its native integration with Microsoft 365 is like having a magical portal that lets you whisk files from Microsoft directly into your Pickit digital asset wonderland. With Microsoft 365 on your side, you can:

  • Unearth hidden treasures in SharePoint, Teams, and OneDrive.
  • Magically teleport assets from these platforms straight into Pickit.

And the cherry on top? The Microsoft 365 add-in lets you browse through all your imported assets from M365, Pickit Stock, and everything else in your Pickit universe — all without leaving your favorite M365 apps. It's like having a VIP pass to your entire digital kingdom!


What are the cost considerations for a Media Asset Management?

Investing in a Media Asset Management solution is more than just purchasing software; it's a comprehensive investment that requires careful consideration of various costs.

From the initial licensing fees to ongoing maintenance and support, every aspect plays a crucial role in the overall budget. But that's not all—there are hidden costs and factors you might not have thought about, like data migration, security measures, and the potential need for future scalability.